Grassroot Diversity Court Lawsuit Efforts
We are working on grassroots efforts to file a lawsuit in diversity court; here is some more information about this. The legal system’s evolution has given rise to diversity courts, specialized entities adept at handling cases that span multiple states. These courts are increasingly recognized for their potential to address systemic issues, including the urgent concerns raised by psychiatric survivors. Many psychiatric survivors have endured psychiatric coercion and non-consensual psychiatry, ignoring and abusing their fundamental human rights.
These psychiatric survivors, representing a marginalized portion of the population, have frequently be subjected to treatments without genuine informed consent. The lack of open communication about the potential risks of psychiatric drugs further compounds this issue. By banding together in a group lawsuit within a diversity court, we can pool resources and have a better chance of finding a law firm willing to accept our case, making litigation more financially viable. More crucially, the collective voice we can present can drive national changes in psychiatric practices, emphasizing the absolute necessity of genuine informed consent and the elimination of psychiatric coercion.
Imagine the ripple effects of such a lawsuit (or lawsuits). A united group of psychiatric survivors from various states, pressing charges against the prevalent non-consensual psychiatric practices (and lack of informed consent), could instigate precedent-setting court decisions. This could pave the way for critical legislative changes, nudging the psychiatric field towards practices that genuinely respect patient autonomy.
Join the Movement!
We are part of the CSX (consumer, survivor, eX-mental patient) community, are at the forefront of this grassroots initiative, and your voice can amplify the call for change. If you or someone you know has experienced psychiatric coercion or has not received complete informed consent regarding psychiatric medications, please connect with us. By creating and readying affidavits, you can be part of this pivotal legal movement.
Together, we aim to present a compelling case to law firms and find representation to champion our cause in diversity court. Stand with us, share your story, and let’s work collectively to usher in a new era of psychiatry that upholds human rights.
Please keep in mind that we are not lawyers (although we have been communicating with some lawyers). Although not bound by legal privilege, as a grassroots group we have a community norms of respecting one another’s’ privacy (this is akin to respecting privacy in grassroots 12 step groups like Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous). We just want to make sure that everyone understands this, so please keep this in mind if you decide to learn more about what we are working on and potentially want to be involved.
Please use the contact form below if you would like to learn more. Please provide your first name, an email address, and any relevant information (about how you might want to be involved) or questions that you have. If you enter your information on this form, we may add you to our email list regarding this endeavor and provide you more information about specifically what we are attempting to accomplish, how and why to write an affidavit, and how you can be involved in our efforts to work with lawyers who are allies of those in the CSX movement (psychiatric survivors). Please be sure to read everything on this page before submitting your information; by submitting this form you agree that have read all information on this page, you do not object to anything written here.